Sunday, March 16, 2008

Post 8: Unequal Experiences Unlished...

Experience, experience, experience...
my over all experience in Computer and Practical Arts.
Well, I can say that I really did learn a bunch of new
and useful things in this subject. I discovered a lot of amazing
things and gained such informations. The experiences and learnings really defined the significance of computer in our lives. It really did made things less
difficult and less complicated. I really can't forget
the time when I almost had my head explode because of the project I made in programming. The errors made me crazy and it really gave me a tough headache.
Good thing I was able to solve the puzzle before the deadline.
Oh, what a relief that was. Computer had been one of my favorite subjects ever since. I loved exploring and surfing in the internet. I am really
eager to learn all the short cut keys and know how to operate all
the applications in a computer. My favorite session in this subject is the
ComLab session
('cause it's COLD!!! hahaha). I will never forget the silly things
that happened inside the computer laboratory. All the foolish things that my
classmates had been doing every session. My favorite part in this
field is the handi craft making and creating my blog.
The handi craft making was fun, and to learn how to make such thing is a great advantage for a person. It will help in developing of one's skill in art
and will help in showing one's creativity as well. Creating a blog was fun, putting all the things you want and posting all the ideas you have. I get to
express what I feel through this and let others know what I feel.
The blog experience was wonderful. Well, I really enjoyed this subject this year.
I will cherish every memory that was brought by a group of silly,
naughty and rebellious students and a teacher, a teacher I will never forget.
I salute our teacher in this field because she'd been very
patient all through the school year. She was able to stand my
classmates behavior. She went all through her way and never gave up.
She taught us everything that we should learn. She shared all the things she knew to us. She had been very considerate and understanding. I just hope that she won't change and wish tha she will still be our Practical Arts teacher next school year.